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Best Single Travel

Monday - Friday

10:00am - 5:00pm

* Eastern Standard Time *
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Travel Agents

Travel Agents start earning commission by promoting and selling
Singles Vacations, Cruises and Trips!

Best Single Travel works with travel agencies from around the world and we are always happy to begin a new working relationship. 

All the Best Single Travel organized tours, cruises and vacations for singles 40's 50's and 60's plus are commission-able. At this time we are only paying commission on singles cruises that include shore excursions. Each trip and cruise offered is posted on its own web page and lists the itinerary, prices and what is included on the vacation. Our commission rate to travel agents is 10% of the gross amount.

At Best Single Travel we value our relationship with travel professionals and strive to provide the best vacations for your single and solo clients. All of our tours, cruises and vacations are escorted by a Best Single Travel representative or/and a local guide, so rest assured, your singles are in capable hands. 

There are two programs to choose from and yes an agent can enroll and take advantage of both programs.


Travel Agent Program

Travel Agents that register with Best Single Travel (BST) using theNew Travel Agency Form can earn 10% commission on any of the Best Single Travel 40s+ Vacations and BST hosted cruises. The travel agent can advertise the singles trips and cruises using any of our banners or creatives. To earn the full 10% commission the agent must work with the traveler from beginning to booking. The agency will also be responsible to ensure all paperwork is returned and balances are paid in a timely manner. Travel agent commissions are paid for bookings originated by a qualified agency. The commission checks are sent promptly at the end of the month following the trip. 

Travel Agents Register Here

Vacation Affiliate Program

Team up with Best Single Travel through our vacation affiliate program, earn 7% commission and let us do all the selling and follow-up work.  Just add Singles Travel links and banners to your website or meetup page and start earning commission today. If you're interested in joining our  vacation affiliate program, sign up now - click on

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The main reasons for booking with Best Single Travel:

 *  Ease of making singles vacation reservations.
 *  Free Roommate Matching
 *  Your clients will have a great time.
 *  Prompt and accurate commission payments.