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Singles Safari - Kenya Africa
40's - 50's and 60's+ Singles Vacations

July 26 - August 4, 2024 - $4480*
July 25 - August 3, 2025 - $4680*

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Don't Miss the Migration - Safari Lodges & Luxury Tent
No Vaccinations (Shots) Required

Kenya Africa Singles Safari Itinerary 

Kenya IMG 0372 Vacation Day 1: Nairobi
Your safari vacation begins with a warm welcome by our customer service representatives upon your arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) in Nairobi. You will be driven to your luxurious hotel which is about ten minutes from your arrival terminal where you will relax in your air-conditioned suite.
Four Points Hotel by Sheraton Airport -

Vacation Day 2:  Nairobi – Sweetwaters
Kenya singles safari zebrasBreakfast in the Hotel and by 0800am meet our drivers for a safari briefing which follows the adventures ahead driving across the equator by road to Ol Pejeta Conservancy arrive at the Sweetwaters Luxury Tented camp in time for early lunch followed by some leisure hours for a siesta/ swim. Later in the afternoon we will proceed on an afternoon game viewing across the vast savannah grasslands, a terrain favored by elephants. Visit the Chimpanzee Sanctuary, the only one of its kind in Kenya.The sanctuary is home to orphaned chimpanzees from the Jane Goodall Institute in Burundi. A walk around the sanctuary will give us an opportunity to spot the orphaned chimps. Sweetwater’s Game Reserve is one of only for private game reserves in Kenya and provides visitors with a unique combination of facilities and activities. This 24,000 acres reserve situated within 90,000 acres of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy enjoys magnificent views across the plains to the snow-capped peaks of Mt. Kenya, and has abundance of wildlife and tropical vegetation. We will have a chance to view an amazing variety of wildlife such as zebra, lion, Rhinos,leopard, thomson’s gazelle, grant’s gazelle, oryx, eland, baboon, elephant and various species of birds. Return to the camp before sunset. Overnight at the Sweetwaters Serena Tented Camp.

Vacation Day 3: Sweetwaters - Samburu Game Reserve
Kenya IMG 1522Early morning breakfast in your camp and later depart driving to the Northern Hemisphere, onwards to the semi-arid region of the Samburu Game Reserve. The name Samburu is of Maasai origin, a ‘samburr’ is a traditional leather bag the Masai use for carrying honey and milk. This region is characterized by vast, open landscapes, dried riverbeds (depending on the season of the year) and its red volcanic soil. Rock outcroppings contrast against the dense woodland vegetation along the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River, the river that gives life to the reserve. The area is home to the Samburu tribe, who are ‘cousins’ to the Maasai people with their own distinct cultural traditions. Arrive at the camp in time for lunch, followed by some leisure hours for a siesta or swim before we depart for an afternoon game viewing drive, returning back to the camp before sunset. Overnight at the Samburu Simba Lodge.

Vacation Days 4 and 5: Samburu
chimpThis are two more days in the Samburu Game Reserve will be spent searching for the Samburu five and observing the vast unspoiled scenery during morning and afternoon game drives. The park is plentiful with crocodiles that bask on muddy riverbanks and velvet monkeys that frolic in the late afternoon sun. Samburu is renowned for its rare species of fauna known as the ‘Samburu five’. These five particular animals are usually only found north of the equator – the long necked gerenuk, the reticulated giraffe which is characterized by its liver-colored geometric patches defined by narrow white lines, the Grevy’s zebra which is smaller than the common zebra and looks more like a horse, the beisa oryx with black horizontal stripe running across its lower flank and the Somali ostrich males which have blue-grey necks and thighs. Overnight at the Samburu Simba Lodge.

Naivasha Sopa LodgeVacation Day 6: Samburu – Lake Naivasha
Early morning breakfast and depart at 0700am, today's destination is Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge where we arrive in time for lunch at our lodge by the lake. Afternoon spend leisurely as you may wish to lounge by the pool admiring the view of zebras, Giraffes and waterbuck just outside the fence, in the evening we will take a sunset boat ride at the Lake. Overnight at Naivasha Sopa Lodge - 

Vacation Day 7: Lake Naivasha – Masai Mara
LionToday our safari will take us to the jewel of Kenya’s parks, the world famous Masai Mara Game (Wildlife) Reserve. This is Kenya’s number one park and is always on every tourist’s “Must see list”. Full of life with various types of animals and birds, Masai Mara crown’s the climax of every safari in Kenya. Its rolling grasslands and acacia savannah have time and again been captured on film with the movie “Out Of Africa” being the most famous. Masai Mara is home to the “Big Five” (Elephant, Buffalo, Lion, Leopard and Rhino) and over 450 bird species. Apart from the big five, the Masai Mara is most famous for the spectacular annual migration of over a million wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and other animals from the Serengeti in northern Tanzania crossing the Mara River into Kenya in search of fresh feeding grounds, which takes place in late July or August. During this crossing, hundreds of animals are swept away by the first moving Mara River and others are killed by the ferocious Migration African Crocodiles. This crossing gives true meaning to the phrase “Survival of the fittest”. Your home for the first night will be at Royal Mara luxury tented camp. , the camp its staff offer first class customer service and accommodations under a bushy welcoming atmosphere.
After lunch and some time for relaxation, our driver/guide will take us for an afternoon game drive in search of the shy and elusive leopard, the solitary and ill-tempered Rhino, lions, buffalos, and many others. As the sun starts to edge its way dip into the African horizon it will be the perfect opportunity to photograph the beautiful Mara landscape. Overnight at Mara Sopa Lodge -


Vacation Day 8: Masai Mara Full-Day
Kenya IMG 0409We set out for before sunset for a morning game. Drive back to the camp after hunting for the big five which very active in morning for a leisurely breakfast. After breakfast, pack our load our bags to the jeeps and depart with a game drive enroute to Mara Sopa lodge for our two days stay. After checking in, you may take a swim in the pool under the African sun or just sit back and relax. Later in the afternoon we visit the Masai Village. The Masai are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. They are among the best known local populations due to their residence near the many game parks of the African Great Lakes, and their distinctive customs and dress. The Masai speak the Maa language a member of the Nilo-Saharan family that is related to Dinka and Nuer. Interact with them as you learn more about their traditions. Overnight at Mara Sopa Lodge -

Vacation Day 9: Masai Mara Full-Day Exploration
safariOur full day in the Masai Mara Game Reserve will be on the hunt for the big cats of the Masai Mara. Enjoy the spectacular view of the famous migration during our game viewing and remember to keep a sharp lookout. We may witness a dramatic hunt; a solitary leopard retrieving its kill from the high branches of an acacia tree or a herd of elephants protecting their young from predators. The Masai Mara wildebeest migration is considered to be one of the wonders of the world, especially as they cross the Mara River. The reserve is also regarded as the most spectacular wildlife viewing area in Kenya with over 95 species of mammals and over 400 species of birds. Game viewing is never dull in the Mara and patience is rewarded with unique sightings, such as a pride of lion stalking prey. All meals will be served at the Lodge. Overnight at Mara Sopa Lodge -

Vacation Day 10: Masai Mara – Nairobi
Kenya giraffe centerAfter breakfast we depart for Nairobi with a stop at the Nairobi shopping mall for a snack, light lunch or last minute shopping. Then we will go to the Giraffe Manor. Since its founders rescued a baby giraffe named Daisy from a heavily-poached area of western Kenya in 1974, their home has become a household name among wildlife lovers world-wide. Here we can feed the giraffe as well as kiss them.
This evening is our Farewell Dinner at the world famous Carnivore Restaurant, considered “Africa’s greatest eating experience” (if you love barbecue it doesn’t get better than this), and home to the “Simba Saloon” one of Nariobi's most popular night clubs. After dinner, you will be transferred to the Airport for your safe journey home.


Kenya Safari Hotels

 NairobiFour Points Airport by Sheraton  Lake NaivashaSopa Lodge  Masi MariSopa Lodge
 Samburu - Samburu Lodge


 Kenya Africa Singles Safari

July 26 - August 4, 2024 - $4480*

July 25 - August 3, 2025 - $4680*

Singles Safari Includes
* 9 Nights Safari Lodges / Hotels / Tent
* 9 Breakfasts, 9 Lunches, 9 Dinners
* Transportation in a 4 x 4 Jeep with pop-up roof ideal for game viewing and sightseeing.
* Park entrance fees
*All Meals Full board accommodation in the Lodges/ Luxury Camp as mentioned
*Bottled water for use during the safari
*Game drives
*Maasai Cultural Village
*Boat Ride at Lake Naivasha
*Vegetarian /Non vegetarian meals available
* Services of a trained and experienced English speaking driver/guide
* Airport/Hotel Transfers on Tour Dates
* All Taxes and Surcharges

* The price per person is for a double room. Free roommate matching on all our vacations, so there is never a need to pay a "single supplement".
If you wish to room alone it is an additional $999 or $1,250

Not Included

* International Airfare
* Kenya Visa
*Expenses of personal nature such as travel/baggage insurance, laundry, beverages.
*Tips etc.
*Christmas, New Year and Easter supplements.

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