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Vacation Destination - Europe

Europe Travel

Think international vacation - Let’s "do Europe" is probably your first thought. No other area in the world approaches the popularity of this continent.

Europe, compact and easy to travel around offers virtually unlimited chances for exploration and discovery. Home to some of the world's most advanced civilizations, Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, there are more than 400 world heritage sites on the continent.

Every country in Europe has something special and unique to offer. View amazing scenery, breathtaking mountain vistas, lush grapevines, sunny beaches and majestic fjords. Cruise the Mediterranean coast, explore ancient castles, ski the Alps or shop the fashion houses.

Map of Europe

Europe Countries

(If a country has a * then you can click on it for more vacation information)

Western Europe

Eastern Europe

Southern Europe

Northern Europe

 Austria  Belarus  Albania  Denmark
 Belgium  Bulgaria  Andorra Estonia
 France*  Czech Republic  Bosnia and Herzegovina Faroe Islands
 Germany  Hungary  Croatia Finland
 Liechtenstein Moldova Flag  Moldova           Cyprus Greenland Flag Greenland
 Luxembourg  Poland  Gibraltar  Iceland
Monaco Flag  Monaco  Romania  Greece*  Ireland*
 Netherlands  Russia  Italy  Latvia
  Switzerland*  Slovakia  Macedonia  Lithuania
  Ukraine Flag  Ukraine  Malta  Norway
     Montenegro Scotland*
     Portugal  Sweden
     San Marino  United Kingdom
    Turkey Flag  Turkey  
      Vatican City  
Europe Travel Facts

Ukraine is Europe's largest country
• The Vatican is Europe's smallest country
• Germany is Europe's largest country by population
• The Vatican is Europe's smallest country by population
• Europe's highest point is Mt. Elbrus in Russia
• Europe's lowest point is the Caspian Sea bordering Russia


Europe Vacations for 18 - 35 Year Olds
Europe Singles Vacations for 35+ 40's 50's 60's
Cooking Vacations in Europe
Paintings and Pilate Vacations in Europe
Singles Cruises in Europe
Singles Sailing in Europe